about me

Moody, overcast and grey skies, the elegant rise and fall of the seabirds on the wind, a raven watching, the persistent whistle of the wind through the eaves of the studio.

The sea sculpting the strandline, rocks and stones washed in, washed out. Tangle comes, tangle goes, the edges, the in-between.

​Created in the studio using hand-building and age old techniques of pinching, coiling and shaping slowly and thoughtfully with her hands, layers are added and scraped away, various clays are used to achieve different textures and finishes.

Placed in groups there is a sense, a feeling that the pieces are like ourselves, layers of debris, sharp, soft, gouged, gentle, hiding the strength that lies beneath.

The many thousands of pebbles on the beach are as individual as each and every one of us, some perfectly shaped, some broken, some sparkle, some just are. Some in constant motion, some just stuck. Some stay still, solid, forming a firm foundation, others are just resting for the change of the tide.